UIC activities are headed by Mufti Imtiaz Ali. As a scholar and expert in religious jurisprudence he has published several book. He holds multiple university degrees including degree from Dar ul Aloom University Karachi. He is formally qualified as Mufti.

Let there be no compulsion in religion:

Truth stands out clear from falsehood: whoever rejects falsehood and believes in Allah, has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold.

Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but righteousness is to believe in one God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and to help by giving giving wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for charity.

Human dignity and respect is the right of every person, regardless of who they are. By simply ‘being’, a person deserves to be respected, dignified, and has rights irrespective of religion, cast, color or bliefs. Human dignity is the recognition that human beings possess a special value intrinsic to their humanity, and as such are worthy of respect simply because they are human beings.

Islam provides concept of ‘inherent dignity’ , which is gifted to all of mankind, never to be lost or taken away from a human regardless of his actions, religion, orientation, status. Everyone is entitled to dignified treatment. Every person deserves to be respected and dignified as a fellow human being.

Volunteers needed

Volunteers are welcome to bring new ideas and create new activites. Get in touch with Imtiaz Ali to dicuss such activities and possibilitues at Imtiaz@uicenter.dk

UIC is particularly looking for volunteers for:

(these are voluntary role and do not have any honorarium)

Accounts Manager Volunteer -  volunteer to manage accounts, bank and payments. Interface with bank and authorities to ensure all accounts are run with defined and regulated procedures. Interface with auditors and select auditors to perfom audits. Maintain monthly budgets and provide overall finance statements to members and authorities. Plus all other day to day accounting functions. A volunteer with senior level experience is desired who can guide and create UIC accounting functions and apply accounts tools and software. 

Legal Councelor Volunteer - to interface with legal requirements (other than accounting), manage interface with local authorities, acquisition and selction of building for volunteer activities. Contract and due diligence on acqquisition of property for UIC. Manage building contracts, Manange local and public requirements, interfaces with kommune and authorities. Ensures all requirements are met and interface with authorites. A senior role with familiarity of interface with public authorities is desired. This role to esure all legal and regulatory procedures are adherred to in all proceedings. Volnter with experince in Denmak legal system and actively practicing law is desired. 

Children Religion Eduction Volunteer - to teach religion to children come to the center for learning religion. Create curriculm and deliver teaching. 

Volunteer activities

We are looking for volunteers to create social activites and to support operations.

Hello world